InsuranceNow API (5.0.0)
InsuranceNow's RESTful API is built according to the OpenAPI specification and provides access to InsuranceNow functionality. Developers can use the API to integrate InsuranceNow with portals and other third-party systems.
Updates one or more fields of the quote or application.
path Parameters
systemId required | string <systemId> System identifier of the quote or application. |
Request Body schema: application/json
Updated item details
Array of objects | |
_revision | string Revision of this resource used to detect update conflicts. Send the value received from a |
object (ApplicationInfo) | |
object (BasicPolicy) | |
Array of objects (Contact) One or more Contacts have full PartyInfo available to them. | |
customerRef | string <systemid> SystemId of the customer the application is linked to. |
description | string Application description. |
externalStateData | string External state data |
id | string |
object (Insured) | |
lockTaskId | string SystemId of the Task that is controling this application. |
policyRef | string <systemid> SystemId of a Policy when this application is to change an existing policy. |
statementAccountRef | string <systemid> Reference id to the Statement Account |
status | string Default: "NewSubmission" Current application status. |
Array of objects (SubmitterIssues) | |
object (TransactionInfo) | |
vipLevel | string Used to control visibility of the customer. |
Array of objects (WCAdditionalInsured) Additional Insured info on App | |
Array of objects (CoveredState) |
Request samples
- Payload
{- "_links": [
- {
- "href": "string",
- "rel": "string"
], - "_revision": "string",
- "applicationInfo": {
- "correctedByTransactionNumber": 0,
- "correctionOfTransactionNumber": 0,
- "id": "string",
- "iterationDescription": "string",
- "needByDt": "2019-08-24",
- "reinstatedByTransactionNumber": 0,
- "reinstatementOfTransactionNumber": 0,
- "renewalApplyOfTransactionNumber": 0
}, - "basicPolicy": {
- "affinityGroupCd": "string",
- "auditPayPlan": {
- "auditPayPlanCd": "string",
- "electronicPaymentSource": {
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- "achBankAccountTypeCd": "string",
- "achBankName": "string",
- "achExceptionMsg": "string",
- "achName": "string",
- "achRoutingNumber": "string",
- "achStandardEntryClassCd": "string",
- "agentTrustInd": true,
- "carrierCd": "string",
- "creditCardNumber": "string",
- "creditCardTypeCd": "string",
- "customerPaymentProfileId": "string",
- "customerProfileId": "string",
- "eraseInfo": { },
- "id": "string",
- "methodCd": "string",
- "midasId": "string",
- "partyInfo": {
- "addresses": [
- {
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- "congressCode": "string",
- "county": "string",
- "countyCode": "string",
- "dpv": "string",
- "dpvDesc": "string",
- "dpvNotes": "string",
- "dpvNotesDesc": "string",
- "geocodeLevel": "string",
- "geocodeLevelDescription": "string",
- "id": "string",
- "latitude": "string",
- "legalDesc": "string",
- "longitude": "string",
- "lot": "string",
- "meridian": "string",
- "plssCounty": "string",
- "postDirectional": "string",
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- "primaryNumberSuffix": "string",
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- "stateProvCd": "string",
- "streetName": "string",
- "suffix": "string",
- "township": "string",
- "townshipDir": "string",
- "validated": "string",
- "verificationHash": "string",
- "verificationMsg": "string"
], - "emailInfo": {
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- "emailTypeCd": "ContactEmail",
- "id": "string",
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}, - "partyTypeCd": "ContactParty"
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- "reminderDt": "2019-08-24",
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- "sourceTypeCd": "string",
- "statusCd": "string"
}, - "id": "string",
- "payPlanTemplateIdRef": "string",
- "paymentDay": "string"
}, - "autoDataPrefillInd": true,
- "branch": "string",
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- "cALineSelectedInd": true,
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- "cCLineSelectedInd": true,
- "cCPolicyType": "string",
- "cCSubline": "string",
- "cGLineSelectedInd": true,
- "cILineSelectedInd": true,
- "cLLineSelectedInd": true,
- "cPLineSelectedInd": true,
- "cPPolicyType": "string",
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- "carrierGroupCd": "string",
- "commCLUERequestInd": true,
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- "directorsAndOfficersLineSelectedInd": true,
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- "achStandardEntryClassCd": "string",
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- "creditCardTypeCd": "string",
- "customerPaymentProfileId": "string",
- "customerProfileId": "string",
- "eraseInfo": { },
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}, - "employmentAndPracticeLineSelectedInd": true,
- "errorsAndOmissionLineSelectedInd": true,
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- "inceptionDt": "2019-08-24",
- "inceptionTm": "12:01am",
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- "llcOwnedDt": "2019-08-24",
- "lossSettlementType": "string",
- "manualBillingEntitySplitInd": true,
- "manualReinstateInd": true,
- "manualReinstateReason": "string",
- "manualRenewalInd": true,
- "manualRenewalReason": "string",
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- "previousExpirationDt": "2019-08-24",
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}, - "underwriterCd": "string",
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- "vandalismMaliciousMischiefInd": true,
- "wcARDRuleEnabled": false,
- "wcAnniversaryRatingDay": "string",
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}, - "contacts": [
- {
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